Lorraine Aguilar, P.T., ERYT 500
Lorraine Aguilar, P.T., ERYT 500

Director/founder of Yoga Flow Studio
Lorraine has been a practicing Physical Therapist since 1991 and specializes in yoga therapeutics and orthopedic manual therapy. Lorraine has been practicing yoga since 1992 and teaching since 1995. Lorraine received her 500hr yoga certification from Beryl Bender Birch of the Hard & the Soft Institute and is part of her teacher training staff. She studied Anusara yoga with John Friend for 14 yrs., and was an Anusara Inspired teacher for 13 yrs. She continues to practice and study Ashtanga, Iyengar and Alignment based yoga. Lorraine offers group and private yoga sessions as well as Teacher Trainings and workshops in Anatomy for Yoga. Lorraine studies and is inspired by Truth and Spirit in all it’s forms. She has studied Native American and Women’s Ways with Deep Arrow Woman of Moonfire Meeting House, participated in ceremony & teachings with the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers & Shamans of Peru. She has studied Classical Yoga Philosophy with Sal Familia and continues studies in Buddhist psychology with Dr. Miles Neale of the Nalanda Institute in NYC, Meditation and Silence with Adyashanti. These teachings inform her classes and her life. Lorraine’s continual quest for living fully & authentically, her students at Yoga Flow Studio, as well as her teachers, studies and practice have inspired her to share her knowledge through this teacher training.

Anu Butani

Introduction to Ayurveda and Yoga Life Style
Anu is an ERYT 500 hours Certified Yoga Teacher & teaches the Iyengar style of yoga. She is also a Certified Ayurveda Practitioner from Kerala Ayurveda Academy & has an ongoing practice of both. She follows an Old Ayurvedic proverb of "Medicine is of no need if diet is right, Medicine is of no use if the diet is wrong"! Yoga & Ayurveda are sister sciences.

Charles Ruland

Fascia, Postural Imbalances, Introduction to Zero Balancing and it's applications to Yoga
NYS LMT since 1983
Rolf Guild for Structural Integration, Boulder CO.
Hakomi Inst. Body Centered Therapy, Boulder CO.
Cert. Zero Balancer and Zero Balancing teacher

Salvatore Familia

Classical Yoga Philosophy, Ethics and Buddhism
Sal began his training in Classical Yoga in 1972. His education included Sanskrit studies, the Yoga shastras (Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, etc.), asana, pranayama and meditation. Sal blends his experience of 40 years of Yoga practice and academic study of Eastern and Western philosophy into an accessible, relevant and lively teaching of Yoga Philosophy.